Welcome to paradise....

Welcome to paradise....

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

How Now Brown Cow?


“undi BN=Barang Naik, undi PAS=Pasti Anda Silap, undi DAP=Dalam Alam Percintaan (Berangan saja laa..), undi PKR=Pasti Kau Rugi, undi BEBAS=Boleh Engkau Buat Apa Saja. Rumusan: Undilah BN kerana jika BARANG NAIK isteri semakin sayang”


Besar mana Roket hang, panjang mana Keris hang…kalau datang Bulan, simpan dalam seluar saja lah roket & keris tuh!!


“Sahaja aku undi keluar barisan kerana naik roket menuju ke bulan kerana keadilan”


“Sesiapa yang terjumpa seorang rakyat Selangor, rambut putih, berkulit licin semacam, keturunan jawa, agak pendek dan gemar pegang penyapu, sila hubungi balai polis berhampiran. Minta dia tolong PAS kan kunci pejabat MB”

Whatever it is, we all know now the surprising outcome of it all. Sentiments are high ranging from happiness to sadness to anger to disinterested….kinda like the feeling evoked by Petronas adverts.

Come what may, the People have spoken, LOUD & CLEAR. Now it’s their turn to show us what they can do and whether they could keep their promises. They have been saying all this while that in these modern times, they understand the younger generation better than BN. After all they represent Rockets (DAP) and Space Exploration (PAS) whilst BN is still Dacing when the whole world is using digital scales. Sometimes one needs the young to lead the young. You don’t expect Samy Vellu to do the Hip Hop? Hip Pop Crack!! Mungkin lah…

Apparently the current government have failed to listen and satisfy thus frustating the most crucial generation of today….young, intellectual, professional….27 to 40 year olds. Orang macam kita lah!! Which some call it as Generation Starbucks. Why?

Is it because the UMNO youth leader is too engrossed in senior politics and have forgotten his role? When the issue of ‘Youth’ comes about it is translated to ‘Mat Rempits’ only? UMNO youth is seen as a club/pool for parasites trying to make a ‘Buck’ thus avoided by intellectuals and professionals like the plague? UMNO youth have forgotten about the Malay Agenda due to gluttony of government contracts? It’s not cool to be an UMNO fella?

Interviewer: Would you like to join UMNO?
Professional Youth: Ummm……Nooo lah

I dunno lah…Go figure…

The ballot list by SPR is segregated by age. Those born before 1963 will vote in ‘Saluran 1’ 1963 – 1971 ‘Saluran 2’ 1972 to 1986 ‘Saluran 3’. This started in the last election in 2004. So what’s my point??

If one had a brain the size of an Amoeba, one could already suss out that in 2004 Saluran satu will always be pro BN (Org pencen kerajaan, org tua yang takut kalau perang kena makan ubi kayu lagi etc), Saluran 2 less favouring BN and Saluran 3…..BN? Over their dead carcass!! They’d rather shove a Durian up their @$$... This was 2004 OK…’they’ knew that the youths are not voting for them automatically like in 1964…..dulu kalau Dacing letak kambing pun menang!! Basically lost because they’ve forgotten to do their homework..

Thank you BN, for all the education that you’ve given us….we have become smarter & wiser. Unfortunately assuming that the youths are ‘Dumb’ & ‘Blind’ have caught you by surprise. We are not ‘Dumb’ for we have spoken and we are not ‘Blind’ for we can see a brighter path when the deadwoods are cleared.

As they say… To Assume is to make an ASS out of U and ME

Now wake up!!