Welcome to paradise....

Welcome to paradise....

Monday, January 15, 2007

Ke mana tumpahnya kuah.....

More on my durian mad cheeky bom bom! A neighbour bought some durian yesterday and she asked me if she can have some. I said no coz it was nearly dinnertime and dont want to spoil her appetite and off she went to sambung playing. 15 mins passed and I called out to her to get ready to follow me to tesco but she didn't answer. tengok kat luar takde, I yelled to the neighbour, if they had seen her and they pointed to the neighbour with the durian....yupp, there she was with a durian in her hand. I gestured to my cheeky bom bom whilst thanking wordlessly to my kind neighbour. And this what my daughter had to say for herself...

"I didn't ask for it, aunty just put in my hand. and said, takpe, satu je...tak mintakpun..."

Ha! Tu dia jawapan budak umur baru 5 tahun. So later that nite, we had no choice but to go and buy durian for her.....my dearest pointed out to me that wasn't it me who did the same when I was her age, making rounds to all my mum's friends so often that I know more on the ongoings in their lives than my mum!!!!! Double damn...what goes around comes around ke????