I really feel old...bugger. it used to be, adik! beli ni or adik! tengok ni. Now its kakak this and kakak that...waaaa : (
Im in dilemma now, i want to rebond my hair but someone dear to me said that only flat and skinny people looks nice with rebonding hair. Me with my extra 5 pounds ought to stick with wavy long hair...alah kata jelah I memang nampak cantik with my hair as it is...kan senang cerita.
That reminds me, why do men have to cakap berputar belit instead of straight to the point. i mean, when u asked them whether your hair is ok, why can't they just answer, you look ravishing or nice instead of do u feel comfortable with that style or is that the latest style ...hello! tak retilah nak digest the double meaning...
Lagi satu why do men susah sangat nak bertanya kalau sesat jln...?? Aren't we always in a hurry? fine, fine, sometimes it is good to get lost one in a while, afterall, that's how you stumble unto the shortcuts in KL but say in really genuine cases, kan senang kalau bertanya rather than be fashionably late..duh!