Welcome to paradise....

Welcome to paradise....

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Im a woman afterall!

I was feeling blue yesterday. So ive decided to go shopping. You know as the saying goes, ‘shopping is truly therapeutic! ye ke?…oh well, whatever works right. Sale was not that great overall but that still didn't stop me from buying about a 100 pair of shoes....kidding! Im kidding! Im still trying my level best to curb my unrestrained shopping habit!

Anyway i browsed thru so many shops that i actually worn down my shoes....penat siot! But it was worth it when I got to grab the top from zara that I have eyeing for half price and that skirt from top shop at a discounted bargain…wah, therapy betul! Harus war-warkan kat all my gff. I may be $300 poorer but at least im happier!!!