Welcome to paradise....

Welcome to paradise....

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

How cool is dat?

Am I not cool?

Crazy sis, Tish said that I and the sane sister were uncool just because we refused to part with RM260 to go to Whitney’s concert this weekend with the three crazy sisters!

We had the chance to enjoy Whitney’s concert when we were in the UK during her dwindling career in the late 90’s…but now??? RM260 for a show by a junkie? Did her re-hab cost that much? Or did Bobby use up all their dosh on coke? 13-21 year olds going to Whitney’s concert is cool?? That’s like me telling the world that it’s cool to go to Barry Manillow’s concert in Genting!! ‘Her name was Lola….she was a showgirl…lalala Copacabanaaaa…..

We would if somebody gave us free tickets and apologise for calling us uncool..sob sob!

Somebody is sooooo NOT getting any pressies for her next birthday! Hmpphh!