There were hype of activities since it is the launching of VMY 07. Food galore, activities for all ages including the small was wonderful and made me a bit emo to see Malaysian from all walks of life regardless of the races, enjoying the activities together!!
Now the 'Eye on Msia'....ticket charge, a mere RM15 each (cheap!!!!). The queue to the ticket stand was ok, just under 30 mins but the lining-up to the gondolas, macam tak sempurnalah pulak. From 3 lanes down to 1 lane creating bottleneck so ada sikit chaotic moment...i guess the organiser have never been to Disneyland kot...tahlah...the ride was worth it, 5 rounds, we got gondola no 40 out of 41. NO 4 tu!!!! Mengucap jugaklah bila naik....heheh. Actually the real reason for us to go unto this ferris wheel was the fact that we kinda ralat tak dapat naik London's Eye since it was completed just after we left London but we did experienced the ride in Paris so since Paris was open air, the level of ketakutan tu a bit more lah...else, sama je rasa macam naik kat funfair cuma tinggi sikit so mungkin gayat sikitlah kot....
Btw, org ni cam suka je minum petrol and sembur api ni coz kawan2 dia ramai dah tersandar kepenatan tapi dia masih dandy actively going places entertaining people....
p/s please remember to wear appropriate shoes though..yours truly forgot to do so!!!