Welcome to paradise....

Welcome to paradise....

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Help is on the way....

Its hard for many Malaysians outside Johor to really understand the seriousness of the flood problem in the state. I for one, has many Johorean cousins but since none of them are affected in any way whatsoever, has no real grasp of the ongoings ‘cept doing my bit of donations organized by my company and mum’s social club. Else, like everyone else, i read about the situation and watched the images on tv but still unable to comprehend the magnitude of the destruction, cocooned in my own nest, spared by the heavy rain.

The reality is that the monster floods in Johor has become a national disaster. Death tolls may be very small but many thousands have been affected and rebuilding their lives will take time.

But one story send in by a reader of The Star, who shared the experiences of her flood stricken relatives, caught my attention. The villagers were starving but the abundant food being prepared in a neighbourhood hall was only for visiting VIPs. However, help came when you least expected it. There, most of the flood victims were Malays. But Chinese neighbours drove around to hand out bread, biscuits, drinking water and blankets. The local temple organised help, no distinction of race was made. When the water started to recede, Chinese doctors made free house calls. These people gave help from the heart with no reporters trailing them, no TV cameras to record their deeds.

Now, this is truly the stuff Bangsa Malaysia is made of…selfless, race and religion blind, good Samaritans abundance of Malaysian spirit!!

p/s last I heard, they dont need food but more blankets, pampers, tikars, tilam.....and such.