Welcome to paradise....

Welcome to paradise....

Thursday, January 25, 2007

On the road....

I hate....

1. Motorcyclist that hogs the road. purleezlah, drivelah by the side, dontlah be in the middle of the road thus others have to terkedek-kedek ikut u just like the 'pukul berapa tok harimau' game. If not for fear of being sued, I could have run them down by the hundreds now!

2. Drivers who switched lanes without giving signal...dumbass! U think the road belongs to your father issit??

3. Drivers who gives signal and immediately switched lanes without judging the speed of the other incoming cars...who the hell taught them that giving signals means you have the right to tukar lane as and when you feel like it...hishhh

4. Passengers who put up their legs on the dashboard...tak sopan langsung!

5. Drivers who likes to drive very close to your car bumper..what the fuck!! hello!! I have as much right as you to be in the fast lane. I am going fast too..so fuck off!! Aku brek nanti, kan dah dua-dua susah..

6. People who don't seems to know their rules and regulation that 'right' always have the right of way!!

7. Drivers who do not stopped at the zebra crossing...shishhh, ingat org saje je nak conteng colour belang-belang tu kat jalan issit...bangang betul!

This list does not end here! Watch this space...