Welcome to paradise....

Welcome to paradise....

Friday, April 27, 2007

So lucky to be off today!

Wanted to wear my fav cutoff jeans yesterday but found holes in the frontal region. Bummer! Watched the coronation of the King for a bit then decided to go to KLCC. Stopped by at mum’s place to sign some docs only to discover that the crazy sisters just woke up, at 11.30am! Had a sudden attack of verbal diarrhea and they got the full blast of it. Haih, pantang tok nenek budak pompuan bangun lambat.

Reached KLCC and discovered the convention centre was hosting a home deco expo. Woohoo, just my kinda thing!

Decided to catch a movie. Gave cheeky bom bom a free reign to pick a movie. And she picked ‘Jangan Pandang Belakang’! Alahai anak mak ni….But then, mengalah jelah…let’s see what that movie was all about. Boy, was I surprised!

What really stood out was the eerie music and the sound effect. Eh takut mak okkkk! Albeit there was practically nonexistent to the story line and the adaptation of Thailand/Korean horror movies but I like okkkkk! I was spooked to the core and had to practically sleep on top of my dearest that nite. Opps, too much detail. But my point is, it was not a bad malay movie. It was neither thumbs up nor thumbs down so in my book, tu kira oklah tu.

Some may agree or NOT but what the hey, everyone has their own pandangan.

Short post…nothing much to blog about! Half of the day gone with the expo thingy and the movie thingy.

It’s gonna be a long holiday for me since I’m off next Monday. I don’t foresee me having the extra time and internet connection at the places I’m going to so I don’t think I’ll be blogging for the next few days.

Patience my grasshoppers, patience!