Welcome to paradise....

Welcome to paradise....

Monday, April 23, 2007

What's new?

As we grow older, it’s difficult to keep in touch with old friends. Except for the occasional children birthdays, puasa & raya gatherings, if it’s not for internet, we may not keep in touch at all. When was the last time you wrote an actual letter to your friends and posted it by snail mail?? When we finally meet up, that’s when you learn that so and so is preggy, so and so has divorced and that’s his new girlfriend or so and so is now a highflier of some multi national company.

So even if some people are calling for restriction in blogging or some other internet activities, but if truth were to be told, we need the internet to keep in touch with others. Especially with the recent massacre, the importance of the need to socialize is becoming clearer! So try to keep in touch with your old mates before its too late …..and snap!!