Welcome to paradise....

Welcome to paradise....

Friday, December 15, 2006

Malaysian letter writing!

I didnt want to blog abt my work but for this, i just couldnt help myself.

Just got a letter from a malaysian who started of his letter with:

"ampun beribu ampun sembah patik harap diampun. patik mengharapkan belas kasihan pihak tuan bagi mencari jalan penyelesaian seadilnya bagi diri patik yang lagi hina ini"

wtf.. ada org tulis cam ni? kalau tak gi sekolah sekalipun, cannot use common sense ke on how to write a letter ..? have we really come down to this? we actually need to have another class on top of the normal class to teach children how to write proper letter? normal school edu. not enough mei? and dont tell me this person mungkin tak pi sekolah! the fact that he can write means he has at least some basic school edu! please dont let me get started on the teaching quality nowdays....sampai esokpun tak habis tulis!

talking about letters ye, i have come across so many names that left me flabbergasted that some malaysian had actually carelessly named their child without thinking of the impact it might had in the future... dumbass!

following are some of the names that i have came across:

chee ba bi, sanggul emas, jam bin ban, sanggar gemilang, tong git tong....serious! tak tipu tau! ciankan....