I have encountered many times kejadian seperti makcik next to me belch out loud, girl with ipod suddenly singing out loud, a lady who suddenly ‘melatah’...and me being my usual self, will start to laugh or paling sopanpun snigger je...but had to stop abruptly coz no one else was following suit...oh situasi yg sungguh memalukan...terkedu sekejap!
I strongly recommend for all commuters to self armed with perfume spray or invest in the synchronize swimmer’s nose clip to combat that pungent smell of BO. Infact i would welcome the day when some inventor can come up with a machine that can detect and evict passengers with high level of BO. Ni nyusahkan org je nak kena kembang dan kempiskan hidung yg memang sedia kembang ni utk menyahkan bauan harum itu...
BTW if feeling sleepy, try to get the window sit where you can rest your head against it. Unless you look like Hannah Tan, believe me when I say that nobody looks attractive with their sleepy head lolling around providing free entertainment to others.
Note of caution: to use Ipod/MP3, one needs to be on constant self control which may be difficult to do since you are always either in the midst of mentally choreographing a dance move or mentally singing at your sell out concert