Welcome to paradise....

Welcome to paradise....

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The way we were!

A couple of gay cowboys rounding up 1000 sheep in Montana….EASY QUESY! Wardens handling drug spot checks routine in Kajang Prison…..EASY WEASY!
General McArthur pushing forces to control the Red Army in the Pacific…EASY PEASY! But to be in charge of 2 female teenagers in 2007 with hyperactive hormones on steroids???... Bloody impossible! Damn! It’s easier for a fish to ride a bicycle I tell ya!!

I’ve been babysitting the 2 crazy sisters whole of last week whilst mum is in down under for a month, sending the other crazy sister off for her 1st year in Uni. Lucky me that Dad came back home last weekend. I don’t think I can last another day with them without having a massive heart attack, aneurism, angina and nervous breakdown all at once.

My god, I really don’t know how my mum coped when I was growing up but I think I was oklah, not so wildlah, a bit easier to take care than the 3 crazy sisters. Plus I was the only one that made time to harass my mum. My eldest sister, the sanest sister (the other sane one is me-lah) was too nice to be troublesome so I was the only one that mum had focused her Manimal Transformation energy on *betul! She can change from human to tiger to ear-piercing Banshee in a split second!*. In fact, I think I still have a problem with my left ear… I remembered my wildest moment was coming back home at 6am with my girlfriends (The same Friday the 13th bunch of yoyos) resuming our so called slumber party, after celebrating the end of form 5 at a discotheque. But that was as wild as it got back then.

But now…..phew! Times have changed? Teenagers are growing up faster? They are bolder? They are braver? They are more adventurous? Peer pressure is more forceful? They don’t listen to reason? Hard headed? Pig headed? Loose tongue? Tons of chemical food preservatives have mutated normal DNA to alien personalities?

I don’t know…..but I’m pretty worried…

I’m just glad that cheeky bom bom will not reach that stage until about 10 years’ time. Got plenty of time to get my ammunition ready!! Freaky!!