The truth is less melodramatic but more embarrassing!
Do you know that the heaviest of downpours is rated a ‘Nine” like Fujita5 for the tornados. Why nine and not ten you may ask?...cause it’s raining feline & canines…get it….anyway , last Sunday, I was in Morib for a wedding when the weather did exactly that!! And it happened exactly at the time when the rombongan makcik kiah sebelah the groom was supposed to make the grand entrance. The rain was so heavy and sudden that the groom had to change his expansive Michael Jacko groom-like shoes into selipor J (Jepun or Jamban). Not even to a classier pirated Crocs from Carrefour but the humble FungKeong selipor Jepun! The poor guy.
Anyway, to continue with the story, looking at the way the rain was pouring, we knew it was gonna be one of those never ending kinda rain so we decided to just go ahead with the scheduled plan and started berarak from the rumah bersanggah to the bride’s house which was just around a bend about 100 meters away armed with umbrellas and all. I noticed the Kompang was playing double time to rush us.
And the moment we got to the bend, lo and behold! Banjir hokay! Banjir giler and berlumpur!!! I experienced panic attacked trying to work out how to navigate the water in my 2 inch stilettos!
With the warrior bugis blood that lies in my vein, I pulled up my kain and stepped into the puddle!
Bloooooody hellllllll!
My feet went right through the water into the depth of mud water nearly up to my paha and in the process of preventing myself of falling further into the hole, I scraped my hand on some hard wood and had to let go of my kain.
Somebody pulled me out. I was wet! Wet like a cat that got drown and lived again and got drown again!
Ohmeegod, even whilst writing this story, I can feel my neck thicken with mortification. I wished then that the earth would open up and swallowed me alive. Never before had I felt more ashamed than I did last Sunday.
Details that followed were hazy or rather I don’t want to remember so that I won’t slur myself further.
But note to myself, never laugh at people who has selipar jepun in their car and never ever set foot in Morib again.
Come to think of it, I got lots of embarrassing stories now. I think if I were to label my posts, I can actually make a whole kemaluan besar category on its own.
What about you? You got any kemaluan besar story that can beat mine or not?